Positioning Elements

AdaptiveHUD uses anchor points to determine where elements should be positioned, this is critical to make sure elements don't overlap, stays on the screen and behave as expected when the window is resized.

If you don't know how to move elements, check this page.

Anchor Points

An anchor point is the origin of the screen of which positions are calculated. By default, this will be the top left corner. It allows you to position elements where you want them, and to stay there regardless of the window size.

For example, if you set AnchorPointX to "right", and posX to "-10", the element will always be 10 pixels left of the right edge of the screen, and will maintain that distance regardless of the window size.

As of now you can't set the anchor point to another element, this is a limitation but will be added in future versions!

Text Align

Text align is the same as anchor points, but within the element itself. If you put textAlignX to "right", the calculations will be done from the right side of the element.

If you want to position an element on the right side of the screen, you almost always want to set both anchorPointX and textAlignX to "right"!

Last updated